Friday 13 terrorize your life? "According to the Stress Management Center
and Phobia Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, an estimated 17 to 21
million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day making
it the most feared day and date in history. Some people are so paralyzed by
fear that they avoid their normal routines in doing business like taking
flights or even getting out of bed. It's been estimated that [US]$800 or $900
million is lost in business on this day. <>
That's a lot of
people and money affected by a superstition. In all my life, I have never
understood how a day or inanimate thing could effect change in or control over
my life. My dad and mom taught me to trust in God, the Creator of the universe
and all that is therein. They taught me to put my faith in the One who knows
all and controls all.
And as I matured and
began to consider adult issues, I realized that superstitions are the
conclusions of a person who relies on natural thinking rather
spiritual thinking. This may seem like a contradiction of terms since
superstitions have a "spiritual" source, but not the truthful sort.
Of course, just
because others don't think like I do or believe like I do doesn't make them
superstitious people. Yet, I am confident that "a day on the
calendar" has absolutely no control over me. Rather, it is I who has
control over my day, and since I submit to God, he ultimately controls my day.
It is my attitude and beliefs and actions that create the results of my day . .
. this one and every other one.
I think it is a
strange practice -- totally unbiblical -- for
Christians to hold "superstitious beliefs" that contradict,
not only good reasoning but also scriptural truth. Jesus is neither fiction nor
fantasy. Grace is real. Faith is the path we walk, even if intellectual
philosophies and natural science doesn't agree. We walk by faith and not by
sight. Yet, we are neither stupid nor impractical.
A day simply doesn't
scare us for it is the day the Lord has made and controls. We just rejoice and
are glad and refuse to be afraid. "Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for God is with me! His rod and staff
comforts me."
Dear Father, thank
you for your Word that gives me confidence in your presence. Empower me with
greater faith in whom all things consist. I pray this in the name of Jesus.
Take comfort in God who controls all things.
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