Friday, June 20, 2014

A Double Portion . . . Isn't There More For Me?

And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, "Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?" Elisha said, "Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me." (2Kings 2:9 NKJ)

Sometimes it seems like I spend a huge chunk of time in unproductive activities. Unproductive meaning not achieving as much as I would like, despite patience and small step philosophy. There is also that philosophy of "doubling one's efforts."

I have discovered, however, that no amount of "self-help" psychology, philosophy  and practice will do for me what obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit will do. There is something about wanting more of God that energizes me. There's something about hope and trust in God that brings amazing results. I can't explain it so I don't even try anymore. It is what it is!

Recognizing and understanding this remarkable principle, however, does not relieve me of the responsibility to pray, plan and prepare. Like Elisha, with Elijah, I must refuse to stop following God. I must refuse to stop off at a more comfortable place. I must refuse to be discouraged.  I must refuse to accept less than God's best.

Instead of thinking "this is as good as it gets," I must ask: "Isn't there more for me?" I am not going to accept the status quo. I reject mediocrity! I want to give my best to God so that I can expect his best in return. This is not a bargaining chip kind of thing (i.e., I gave you my best so you owe me yours). Instead, it is obedience to his command to bring him our best in faith. And the results of my faith and obedience is that I can ask for his best and expect that he will give it willingly and liberally.

I want a double portion! I am a firstborn child and want a firstborn's double portion. Like Elisha, I have to keep my eyes focused on the one I am following. Without God even a single portion of talent and ability isn't enough.

Dear Father, thank you for making me who I am, by your grace. Grant that a double portion of your spirit and power may rest on me. I humbly pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Ask the Lord for a double portion today.

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