Thursday, March 20, 2014

Christ's Call . . . The Worthy Walk

"But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift." (Ephesians 4:7 NKJ)

In Ephesians 4, Paul is calling his readers to "walk worthy of the call to which you were called." His exhortation may be applied equally to all Christians concerning the call to salvation and Christian living. His exhortation may also be applied to individuals who are called into ministry.

In every sense of calling, the called one should "walk worthy" of his/her call. And there are many facets associated with the call, but it all comes down to "one God and Father of all" to whom all submit and obey, through whom all function, and who lives in the called one.

And because of this diversity in facets (body, spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, and God), the called one may get overwhelmed. But there is an important element to remember: grace is measured to each of us according to our gifting from Christ.

Since Paul is teaching "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace," we may conclude that despite our differences and idiosyncrasies, God has issued to each of us sufficient grace to cooperatively exercise our gifting, rather than arrogantly demanding pre-eminence or exercising it independently from the unity of the Spirit.

So, instead of stubbornly wailing "I can't do it that way" or obstinately refusing to cooperate with other Christ-gifted believers, I should accept the grace God has measured to me and exercise my gifting accordingly, "in the bond of peace." And that is worthy walking!

Dear Father, thank you for calling us to the unity of the Spirit. Empower us to exercise the grace you have measured to us so that we may walk worthy in the bond of peace. I pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Walk worthy of your calling . . . Walk in the bond of peace!

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