"My voice You
shall hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, And
I will look up." (Psalm 5:3 NKJ)
Terry thought he
knew about waiting, especially toward the end of the month. He waited in lines
at the grocery, the bank, and the grill. Yes, he knew about waiting. He didn’t
like waiting. It was a necessary evil of society.
He sat in the
hospital waiting for the doctor to bring him the news. He had been waiting so
long. For the last two weeks, he had called his wife every day. He had kept his
cell phone charged and on. He had arranged his schedule and workload so that
others could deal with any issue there. For two weeks he had been on ready just
so he could come here and wait. He now waited with anticipation greater than he
could ever remember. What was taking so long?
Dr. Kaye came into
the room and smiled at Terry. “Tired of waiting, huh? Well, the waiting is
over. You have a beautiful, healthy girl. Both mother and baby are fine.”
Emotion flooded over
Terry. He followed the nurse to Cheryl’s room and remembered how they had
prayed for a child. He and Cheryl had tried for so long to have a baby. They
had prayed and expected that God would give them a child. But still they had
waited. Believing that God answers prayer, they had placed their request before
him. Then with great expectation, they waited. Sure, at times they were
impatient, but they continued to wait on his response. As Cheryl smiled up at
him and he held his daughter in his arms, Terry decided she was well worth the
British film
director, Alfred Hitchcock said, “there is no terror in a bang, only the
anticipation of it.” It is the fear of what is coming or what we anticipate
might come. Hitchcock was a master at creating anticipation, but anticipation
isn’t all fear and terror. An unknown author wrote, “The pleasure is in
anticipation.” But there is also power in anticipation. Author Claude Bristol
wrote, “We usually get what we anticipate.”
The Psalmist has the
right method: wake up in the morning; talk to God; anticipate His response and
blessings. God is going to respond to our requests. We have the confidence of
knowing that He responds to our requests when we ask according to His will (1
John 5:14-15). Our waiting will be rewarded! So anticipate the joy, the love,
the triumph.
Dear Father, thank
you for hearing and responding to our requests. We wait, with great
anticipation, the coming of our Lord and King. Empower us to live in
anticipation of your return! AMEN
Look up for God’s
blessings today! Anticipate the Lord's return!
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