Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Search Beyond Your Favorite -- Find God's Acceptable

"In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him." (Acts 10:34-35 NKJ)

At some point across the span of life, all of us have been left out or excluded from some group or activity. We all know how it feels to receive the brunt of another person's partiality. We may shrug it off nonchalantly, but we know that it hurts and is wrong.

The wise teacher of Proverbs wrote, "To show partiality is not good, Because for a piece of bread a man will transgress" (Proverbs 28:21 NKJ). Human beings are so fickle that we change our minds, or can be bribed to do so, for a piece of bread. The one who is our favorite today may be the one we sell out tomorrow for the price of bread.

While this Proverb is only a general truth and not absolute in every person's life, it is scary to think that I could be so capricious. And it's me that I worry about. I want to be conformed to the image of God's son (Romans 8:29). I want to be free from every addictive entanglement (Hebrews 12:1-2). And Jesus commanded his followers to "love your neighbor as yourself."

The Apostle Peter learned this lesson in Joppa. It was confirmed in Capernaum at the home of Cornelius.  If God has "cleansed" someone, then who am I to pronounce that person "uncceptable?" If God has "cleansed" a person, than all my judgments to the contrary will not change God's cleansing.

Every person who fears God is accepted by him. Every person who practices a righteous lifestyle is accepted by him. Our national citizenship doesn't matter to God. Our culture doesn't matter to God. Our racial and ancestral heritage doesn't matter to God. What matters to God is this: do we reverently fear him? Do we live a lifestyle that practices his righteousness? God's only favorites are his righteous children.

Dear Father, thank you for adopting me as your child. Enable me to accept all whom you have cleansed by the blood of the Crucified Christ. I pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Who is acceptable in your eyes? What does God say?

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