Thursday, June 26, 2014

Create the Right Attitude and Achieve God's Purpose!

"So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building. (1Corinthians 3:-9 NKJ)

"Who is Paul? Who is Apollos?" My dad and mom called it "Preacher religion."  The great Apostle called it carnality because a ministry groupie is carnal. And preachers do not make the believer spiritual.

Paul went on to say that individual preachers are simply "ministers through whom you believed." He claims "the Lord gave to each one" his/her special gifting. And the individual ministers according to that gifting, either planting or watering.

I remember who planted the gospel in my heart and he will be forever embedded in my life. And there have been a multitude of ministers who have impacted my life over the years. But if I were to choose one as "my" preacher, a bit of carnality would already be creeping in.

As a pastor, however, I am concerned about whether I am planting and watering. There were times when I was concerned about the growth. Why isn't my church increasing as fast as the one down the street? And of course, the Apostle speaks to that issue as well. In all ministry, of every kind, it is God who gives the increase. So, let God worry about it.

I am the same as other ministers who plant and water. There is no difference in who we are . . . we all serve the Lord. We all labor with God. We are all cultivated as his field. We are all part of his building. And every servant "will receive his/her own reward according to his/her own labor." Someone else's labor won't affect my reward.

Me? I have decided that I want to be the best field-hand in God's field. I want to be the best I can be in his house. I want to be the best laborer on his payroll. Would I like to see growth and increase? You betcha! But while increase is coming, I am going to do the best I can in every way possible to plant and water the field.

Dear Father, thank you for the determination you give to me. Empower me with the spirit of planting and watering. I pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Only you can change your attitude.

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