Thursday, April 03, 2014

Start a Three R Program Today!

And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. (Mark 6:31 NKJ)

It is a tragedy when humans have to be "temporarily disabled" before coming to our senses. We all recognize that rehab is difficult. I wonder if attitude and personality has anything to do with that?

We all know "other people" who have difficulty relaxing and resting. Why is it always other people who have this problem? Why can we never recognize it in ourselves? Relaxation, Recreation, and Rest are essentials to good health . . . mental, spiritual, and physical.

Perhaps fear motivates our rejection of R, R, and R. We might actually learn a lot about ourselves if we accept the Lord's invitation to "come aside to a secluded place and rest awhile." Of course, there is a possibility that we won't like what we learn.

Our comfort zones are filled with people, activity, responsibility and so forth. It may be unfair to five-year-olds, but out of our comfort zones we act like one. We lack patience, demanding every whimsical desire be supplied immediately, if not sooner. And no one can help us, even if rejecting their help delays our restoration. And worse yet, we turn our porcupine spirit loose on the very ones we love the most.

We have all been trained to be busy, because "an idle mind is the devil's workshop." So, when we get home from work, we have to be occupied with Facebook, or knitting, or iPad games, or Kindle readings, and on and on it goes. We have a terrific challenge simply to be calm and patient, despite its virtue.

Buried deep in our DNA is the need to sit quietly for a few moments and enjoy a sunset, or a breeze, or a child's wisdom, or an afternoon nap. But we think we have too much to do or get done to have fun, relax, and rest. So we put these essentials on the back burner. We'll do it when it's convenient.

Then when we are forced into a "convenient" restoration period by an inconvenient disabling event, we blame the Lord. Doesn't he know that I've got commitments? Doesn't he know that people are coming and going and needing ministry? Doesn't he know there are deadlines and people depend on me?

Yes, of course, the Lord knows all. It's just tragic when we don't listen to his invitation to "come away for a while into a secluded place to rest."

Dear Father, thank you for your example of resting after your work was finished. Empower me with an understanding heart that I may regularly rest, relax, and be refreshed so that I may achieve all your will for me. This I pray in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Weary in the journey? It's never too late to start a Three R program!

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