Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Evaluating Me

When we look at TV commercials, many times we wonder whether or not a celebrity actually uses the product being promoted. For some this is a determining element about whether a purchase will be made or not. I am not convinced that this is an essential point to a good buying decision.


But when I think of essentials, there are some issues I stop and carefully consider. It is better expressed by asking questions. Here are a few such questions and issues..Does my commitment to Christ extend into a personal experience of his abiding presence? Did my “faith experience bring about a change in my life? Can other people see those changes in me or does the change on occur internally?


I offer the conclusion that my response to these and similar self-examination questions will describe my concept of being a Christian. Think about the impact of 21st century Christianity on 21st century societies. As one Christian, without in-depth data, I can only surmise about the spiritual strength of the Church. It seems, however, that we do not currently enjoy the spiritual power of the first century church.  v* n0


So I ask, have we quenched the freedom of the Holy Spirit? If so, then who has stopped or blocked the Spirit? Well, seriously, it is individual believers who restrict the freedom of the Spirit. He cannot work in me, or any other believer, except I allow him the freedom to do so.


I have concluded that, as a Christian believer, I need to evaluate and remove all error from my own understanding? In Philippians 2:5-9, Paul tells me that my attitude and perspective should match the Lord's. And studying Paul's outline of the Lord's attitude, we discover that the Lord "emptied himself of himself." So, in order to have all of him in me, I must empty myself of all of me.


In addition Jesus instructs us, “Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life. But the Scriptures are the source of evidence and witness of me” (John 5:39 SyS). Don’t you think we need to be disciples of Jesus who said, “. . . teach them to observe all things I have commanded” (Matthew 28:20)?


Consuming what we promote (Jesus Christ and him crucified), may go a long way in restoring Holy Spirit power and presence in the 21st century church.


Dear Father, thank you for the change you have made in my life, both internal and external. Empower me to constantly and regularly search the Scriptures to be certain that I am in the faith. Enable me to live an authentic, Christ-like example before those who are following me. I pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN


Buy the truth and do not sell it!

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