Friday, April 18, 2014

Act In Faith Today -- Move Forward . . .

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (James 2:26 NIV)

In opposition to the prevailing 16th century "theologies," the Reformers correctly taught that a person is saved by faith in Christ alone. And from the view of God's sacrifice on Calvary, that is correct. We cannot add anything to that finished work of God. It is complete and sufficient. We simply believe in God's only begotten Son as our sacrifice, and our salvation is complete.

Yet, our belief in the crucified Christ as the Eternal Savior only becomes authentic faith by our action of repentance and departing from iniquity. Let's review the biblical steps. Godly sorrow produces repentance. And repentance is the action that "leads to salvation and leaves no regret." So you see, even the Apostle Paul taught active faith rather than passive belief.

Immediate action is the key. When's the best time to improve and grow? Now! As soon as you "hear" the inspired Word of God . . . as soon as you know the Holy Spirit is nudging you . . . as soon as you learn a truth.

In the same way your spirit gives life to your body, action gives life to your faith. In fact, without action there is no faith, because faith is BOTH your substantive basis AND your active evidence that your belief is real (Hebrews 11:1). Act while the Word of God is inspiring. Act while the Spirit is speaking. Act while your faith is alive.

When action is added to belief, faith is created. Action is evidence that your belief is more than passive theory. Action proves that you truly believe the Word of God. Action proves that you are truly following Christ.

Dear Father, thank you for your Son who died on the Cross of Calvary for our salvation. Empower our belief in that sacrifice to act repentantly in true faith. I pray this in the name of Jesus. AMEN

Why wait? Act today!

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